My surgery was scheduled for 11:00am and I was not even called upstairs until 4:15. The surgery started at 4:30 and I was finished at 5:15. Long Day! My mama said praise God for grandparents, best friends, and preachers because she would have been dead without all their help yesterday. Nana, Papa, Papa Rudy, Bro. Joe, Bro. Sam, Kelly, Amy, Mom, and Dad were at the hospital. Everyone was trying to occupy my time because they knew at any minute I was going to turn into a terror(that is because I could not eat or drink anything). Everybody had their turn pushing me up and down the hall in my stroller whether awake or asleep, playing with toys with me, hiding in the closet with me (that would only be papa), singing and tons of other activities. My mama said she could not have asked for me to be any better. I never complained, screamed, or cried~before the surgery! She was so proud of me!

We know there were so many friends and family that wanted to be at the hospital and were unable. We thank you so much for all your prayers, thoughts, and phone calls.
I was not happy at all after this surgery. All I wanted to do was curl up on my mama. My mama said my face will actually break your heart.

After leaving the hospital my mama gave my some tylenol and I would sleep one minute and get upset the next. The same was true for during the night. I have drank a little this morning and I am eating a cookie as my mama types this for me. GO BRODIE!
Another tear came after seeing Brodie's sad face. I know you were the biggest comfort for him. Glad to see all the support and so glad to see those straight eyes!!! You are precious Mr. Brodie!
Love, Ms Casey
Hi, Brodie and Family,
I was so glad to hear your surgery is over and you are back at home. Tell Mom and Dad I said "Hi". I found out about this yesterday. You do such a great job---Love and Prayers, Connie P.
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