Miracles: Because they do happen...

Sunday, March 25, 2007


WoW! "What a difference a week makes!" said Mrs. T.J. at the end of the week.

It has been a pretty good week. I have many exercises that I have to do at home and at therapy. I am supposed to be doing the exercises a little more actively vs. someone else doing the exercises with my legs for me but I must say that each day I did a little better. You know I am really stubborn and I like to do my "own" thing not what everyone else wants me to do but I am working really hard. Each day at therapy I have walked just a little further with less support so PRAISE GOD! I am now trying to side step on my knees in one direction but not the other. I have lifted my toes by myself a couple of times. I am pulling up a few times a day. I am crawling much better and my endurance is way better. I am not wanting to take naps until 5 or 6 everyday so it is making for a really long night. I recieved my knee immobilizers on Wednesday afternoon and have did really well wearing them all week but it does take some getting used to I only wear them at night. (Have you ever tried to sleep with your legs straight as a board!) So I guess that is really all I have for therapy talk from this past week. Except for THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! TO MRS. TJ AND MRS. LINDSEY FOR PUTTING UP WITH ME!!! will try to keep everyone more updated but getting our schedule down has been difficult with updating especially taking naps at 5 in the afternoon!!!!

1 comment:

Lozada's said...

Love the update! So glad to see that Brodie is reacting well to his therapy! YEAH! I am sooo amazed at all this. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.