We have to be on the same day surgery floor by 6:30. I have had nothing to eat or drink since last night so I am doing good. I am excited and on my way! Uncle Trey is already at the hospital waiting on us. He stayed at Uncle Tom and Aunt Ann's. MeMaw Jo and Aunt Ann will be over in a little while. Mom,Dad, Nana, and Polly (Aunt Marianne) are taking me over! We are all really nervous but excited.
After I have went through all my height, weight, etc.... I got to put on this cool gown. Nana and Polly wheeled me around to help keep my attention away from everything that was going on around me.
I got to pick out which smell I wanted to smell in my mask before I went to sleep. No IV's or anything is started until I have already drifted off to sleep. So this is me getting used to this mask they are about to put on me. (Children's Hospital had it down. They new every step to make each transition easier for patient and parents.)

They gave his some Versed to help make him a little sleepy so he wouldn't remember leaving mom and dad. He was so funny on this stuff (actually really silly)!

Surgery went great! The doctor thinks "Brodie will do fine!"
He will be in the PICU for 24 hours! Keep Praying!!!
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