This is Brodie walking in his walker today. Sorry the video will be sideways but just turn your head and you will be able to see it just fine!! Sorry about the inconvience. Have a great day!!!
Miracles: Because they do happen...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Today was a long day for me! I went back to school. I was not sure at first about leaving my mom but after I got busy playing with my friends I remembered that I have fun at school. I read books, I painted an Easter egg, played on the playground, had some snacks, and even had some music time.
After school we went to Chick-Fil-A with Kolby, Anna Laura, and Mrs. Crystal. After lunch I had MORE therapy! I got to see Mrs. Robin and then Mrs. TJ. I did not talk much for Mrs. Sarah today but when it got time to see Mrs. Robin I just went to talking and telling her and Mrs. TJ all about it. When I finished with OT I was waiting in the waiting room to start PT and I was ready to go. I went to the door to go to the back and sat and waited for Mrs. TJ.
This is me trying to get AWAY!!!! I had a great day at PT today and walked so good in my walker. I think I AMAZE people everyday!!
Hopefully tomorrow we will try to get a video of me walking.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
I get to go back to school tomorrow. I am so excited!!! or wait is that My mom that is excited! Oh well who cares I get to go play with my friends, see Mrs. Sarah and I may even get to go to the playground. OH HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE!!! I will have to let everyone know how it goes. Keep a watch!!!
I had an eye appointment with Dr. Mungan on Friday. He said I am looking good! My eyes are a little bit over corrected from the surgery but only if I am looking up. He does not think this is hurting my vision so we are going to leave it along for right now. I do not have to go back for another 6 months! WOW!!! I don't think we have ever been that long without having to return to a doctor.
The Haden's came over for a playdate on Thursday afternoon. It had been so long since I have seen Kolby! We played outside and had the best time. We rode motorcycles, rode in the wagon, played on the swing set, and we also rode the RI-RI! It was really hot and we all had to put on sun screen! Thanks for coming to play and I can't wait until we do it again!!!
WoW! "What a difference a week makes!" said Mrs. T.J. at the end of the week.
It has been a pretty good week. I have many exercises that I have to do at home and at therapy. I am supposed to be doing the exercises a little more actively vs. someone else doing the exercises with my legs for me but I must say that each day I did a little better. You know I am really stubborn and I like to do my "own" thing not what everyone else wants me to do but I am working really hard. Each day at therapy I have walked just a little further with less support so PRAISE GOD! I am now trying to side step on my knees in one direction but not the other. I have lifted my toes by myself a couple of times. I am pulling up a few times a day. I am crawling much better and my endurance is way better. I am not wanting to take naps until 5 or 6 everyday so it is making for a really long night. I recieved my knee immobilizers on Wednesday afternoon and have did really well wearing them all week but it does take some getting used to I only wear them at night. (Have you ever tried to sleep with your legs straight as a board!) So I guess that is really all I have for therapy talk from this past week. Except for THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! TO MRS. TJ AND MRS. LINDSEY FOR PUTTING UP WITH ME!!! will try to keep everyone more updated but getting our schedule down has been difficult with updating especially taking naps at 5 in the afternoon!!!!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
My friend, Eli, came over to play! We went to eat at Quiznos and came back to play. I am really into biting and pinching people's toes right now. You can tell in one of the pictures that I am looking really hard at Eli's but he is not wanting me to get them.
FISH HOUSE CENTRAL~ I love to eat at Granny's! We met Nana, Papa, and Graham over at Granny's on Friday night and I ate SO SO SO BIG and played with Graham. It actually hit him alot!!!
I have so missed my BEST friend~ Bailey! She was gone to Aunt Becky's house in Slidell when I arrived home so I had to wait another week to see her. She had a Birthday party while I was in St. Louis. It was a sleepover and I was so upset that I missed it. She even made me a T-shirt, kept a goody bag for me, and made me a flower in a painted flower pot. Oh and I forgot to tell everyone that Bailey made the winning score at her soccer game for me while I was in the hospital! She is the BEST!!!!

She got a keyboard for her birthday and I got to play on it. I was so glad to see Bailey!
Somer, Doug, and Elijah came over on Wednesday to see me. Eli would run around and I would try to catch him. Mom was so excited because that was good therapy for me. We love to have people come play!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Each day is a little better. We started off just a few days ago that Brodie could not even hold his head. It was just like holding a newborn. You had to make sure you supported his neck and also make sure you are keeping his back straight so the spine is straight. We have learned how to transport him. He is now crawling and has made a few steps each day holding on to one of us. So today is the day to begin therapy! We have 6 months of 5 day a week therapy. Hard stuff but we can do it. Keep us in your prayers and we will let you know about his progress as the days go!

PS~Thanks so much to TJ for setting up time to help me through so much therapy. Mrs. Lindsey will also be helping us. I will also still see Mrs. Robin, Mrs. Sarah, and Mrs. Judy! I just want to thank all of you so much because you are going to have to see me everyday!!!!
oh yeah~I have added pictures throughout our trip to St. Louis so be sure to check them out!
oh yeah~I have added pictures throughout our trip to St. Louis so be sure to check them out!
Up and doing much better. I woke pretty early this morning and was up for some eggs and grits. Nana and Papa came over and then Graham, Kate, and Aunt Barron! I got to go outside while Graham and Kate played and I strolled in my stroller. It was so much fun.

Nana and Papa cooked supper for us and it was YUM YUM!!!Oh Yeah ~ And had all of our dirty clothes washed. Thanks Nana and Papa
Monday, March 12, 2007
We headed out at 7:00 am this morning for SOSO, MS!!!! Brodie did really good riding again but is really tired. We have unloaded the vehicle but of course everything is just sitting around. Brodie has crawled some since we have been home. Michelle, Katye, and Rustin came over and brought us some groceries and played with us for a while. I showed them my scar and they thought it looked great! Papa and Nana came over and rode him on the RI-RI and then in his stroller. Nana and Mama gave me a bath because I had not had one in SEVERAL days. I smell so much better!!! MeMe and Mamaw Crocker came over to visit with me and I showed them my scar and how I can crawl. Uncle Zach came over to see me. I was having to lay down so he rescued me! Thanks Uncle Zach. Granna and Papa came over and brought us a good homemade meal! YUM YUM!!!
I had therapy this morning for 90 minutes and I was exhausted. I did not do as good as I did the previous morning but I did meet my goals so I guess that was really good. I was discharged and in the car at 10:45 pulling out of the hospital. We drove to right outside of Memphis and spent the night. I did really good riding. I rode for 2 hours and then slept 2 hours so I did great!!!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
I had a great night. I slept most of the night. I had a room mate that was really sick but I slept pretty good for all those people coming in and out.
This morning I had PT at 9:00. I did AWESOME!!!! I crawled, put some pressure on my feet a couple of times, and sat up on my bottom. The therapist was really pleased. I am still very weak but I guess that is what the next 6 months is going to be about~ Getting Strong. I still have some shaking from being so weak but it will get better with each day! I am supposed to go to my room and rest until my next therapy at 1:00!
Yeah Right! No Resting for me! Well I did lay in bed with Daddy and watched my movie and called a few people on the phone but no sleep so when it got time to go to therapy my lunch arrived and also I was so TIRED!!!
I went on to therapy. I was real whiney but did pretty good. I couldn't make it the whole hour but I did make it for 50 minutes or so. I put my braces on and did much better at crawling and tried to walk in my walker but my legs are like noodles (Complete opposite from what they were) so I couldn't make but 1 or 2 steps but maybe tomorrow.
I pretty much crashed after I got back from therapy for a couple of hours and my mom had to wake me. We are trying to pack up because tomorrow we get to start our trip home hopefully!!!
8:30 -10:00 Physical Therapy
I can leave after Physical Therapy
If everything is going well we are going to try to start heading home. I hope to make it to Southhaven Mississippi. NOT SURE how far we will be able to travel especially since Brodie will have such a long physical therapy appointment.
This morning I had PT at 9:00. I did AWESOME!!!! I crawled, put some pressure on my feet a couple of times, and sat up on my bottom. The therapist was really pleased. I am still very weak but I guess that is what the next 6 months is going to be about~ Getting Strong. I still have some shaking from being so weak but it will get better with each day! I am supposed to go to my room and rest until my next therapy at 1:00!
Yeah Right! No Resting for me! Well I did lay in bed with Daddy and watched my movie and called a few people on the phone but no sleep so when it got time to go to therapy my lunch arrived and also I was so TIRED!!!
I went on to therapy. I was real whiney but did pretty good. I couldn't make it the whole hour but I did make it for 50 minutes or so. I put my braces on and did much better at crawling and tried to walk in my walker but my legs are like noodles (Complete opposite from what they were) so I couldn't make but 1 or 2 steps but maybe tomorrow.
I pretty much crashed after I got back from therapy for a couple of hours and my mom had to wake me. We are trying to pack up because tomorrow we get to start our trip home hopefully!!!
8:30 -10:00 Physical Therapy
I can leave after Physical Therapy
If everything is going well we are going to try to start heading home. I hope to make it to Southhaven Mississippi. NOT SURE how far we will be able to travel especially since Brodie will have such a long physical therapy appointment.
Friday, March 09, 2007
We had Physical Therapy this morning at the bedside. They came in and did range of motion exercises with his legs and feet. They wanted him to use his legs but he did not. They said that he was so spastic before that now it is the complete opposite and he has to learn that his legs are there. At the end of the therapy they sat his bed up all the way. He has to sit for 1 hour before afternoon therapy. This afternoon they will get him out of the bed into the wheelchair(stroller). Please continue to pray for Brodie. 
This afternoon the physical therapist came in and was so postive. Brodie did great getting out of the bed into his wheelchair(stroller)! Then the rest of the day was spent saying RI RI! IMAGINE! He said that most of Brodie's cries would come from fear and not hurting but to just watch and see. Guess what he was right after Brodie could see that he could do it then he would just smile and had a great time getting up and out of the bed.
This afternoon the physical therapist came in and was so postive. Brodie did great getting out of the bed into his wheelchair(stroller)! Then the rest of the day was spent saying RI RI! IMAGINE! He said that most of Brodie's cries would come from fear and not hurting but to just watch and see. Guess what he was right after Brodie could see that he could do it then he would just smile and had a great time getting up and out of the bed.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Brodie had a much much better night! He actually rested a little. They come in every 2 hours and position him and take vitals etc etc...He was very irritated by them entering the room and any movement just as he has been but at his 6:00am visit this morning we could not wake him. He was very much out of it. He really has been ever sense. Not sure if he is just so exausted from everything or what is going on with him. They are watching him close. His vitals are good. His heart rate is now way down almost too low at times and respirations have to be watched but overall he seems to be sooooo much better. Today we have to just keep him down. The head of his bed can be elevated 30 degrees today. They have now stopped his pain pump but he is still getting valium by IV and fluids. We are trying to get him to drink something or eat a cracker but so far not much luck. Thanks so much for praying for him and we ask that you continue because that is what has got us this far. I am able to keep you posted when I come to take a shower so it maybe in the morning before I get back. Talk to you then.
He had a much better afternoon.
The night was not so great. He vomited all of the bed and it took forever to get him cleaned up because you can't just move him he has to be log rolled and all this stuff. Anyway after that fell asleep and got a power nap for about 30 minutes and then I was up until 2:15 or so. Then I was not in a good sleep.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Brodie got settled down this morning and moved to the 12th floor. He is now doing so good. He is still on his meds so a little tired but will begin to be taken off the meds tomorrow. Just wanted to update everyone! Thanks for your prayers and continue to remember Brodie!
Well once I got in the PICU my Blood Pressure was bottoming out and I would not urinate. So we finally got that under control and then I decided I did not want to lay still and sleep! So I was irritated and it caused my heart rate to go crazy! I got settled down and it was only one nurse to a child so everyone was going to get a good nights rest. We left the PICU at 9 and called to check on him around 9:30. He was not handling the pain med increase very well so they dropped it back down and then I was mad again. So at 9:59 the nurse called my parents and off they went. No sleep all through the night IT WAS GREAT!!!!
This morning they have increased the meds again and I am now handling it ok so Keep Praying for me that I will tolerate all of this craziness! I should go to a room today and be out of the PICU which was so full last night they had to move 6 of us to another part of the hopital and guess who was in the move! MEEEEE!!!
This morning they have increased the meds again and I am now handling it ok so Keep Praying for me that I will tolerate all of this craziness! I should go to a room today and be out of the PICU which was so full last night they had to move 6 of us to another part of the hopital and guess who was in the move! MEEEEE!!!
We have to be on the same day surgery floor by 6:30. I have had nothing to eat or drink since last night so I am doing good. I am excited and on my way! Uncle Trey is already at the hospital waiting on us. He stayed at Uncle Tom and Aunt Ann's. MeMaw Jo and Aunt Ann will be over in a little while. Mom,Dad, Nana, and Polly (Aunt Marianne) are taking me over! We are all really nervous but excited.
After I have went through all my height, weight, etc.... I got to put on this cool gown. Nana and Polly wheeled me around to help keep my attention away from everything that was going on around me.
I got to pick out which smell I wanted to smell in my mask before I went to sleep. No IV's or anything is started until I have already drifted off to sleep. So this is me getting used to this mask they are about to put on me. (Children's Hospital had it down. They new every step to make each transition easier for patient and parents.)

They gave his some Versed to help make him a little sleepy so he wouldn't remember leaving mom and dad. He was so funny on this stuff (actually really silly)!

Surgery went great! The doctor thinks "Brodie will do fine!"
He will be in the PICU for 24 hours! Keep Praying!!!
Monday, March 05, 2007
IT WENT GREAT!!!! Dr. Park was very optimistic. He said we are making the right decision and thinks he is going to do great. We watched a video on the procedure, talked with the doctor, physican assistant, and the physical therapist. He did good during his physical therapy evaluation except he was focused on the stairs.
We have spoken to the surgery department and he will have to be there at 6:30 and the surgery begins at 7:30. The surgery last 2 1/2 hours but with anesthesia it will be 3 1/2 hours total. I will let you know along the way!

We have spoken to the surgery department and he will have to be there at 6:30 and the surgery begins at 7:30. The surgery last 2 1/2 hours but with anesthesia it will be 3 1/2 hours total. I will let you know along the way!
Nana took me to the Build a Bear Store and I got to build me a bear for the hospital. My bear has scrubs on . It was really cool. I even got to put his heart in.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
We are in St. Louis. We have been shopping at the Galleria, been to the arch, and now we are at my Uncle Tom and Aunt Ann's House having chili with all of her family. I have met tons of new cousins and had the best time playing!!!

We have had a great time and are ready for our evaluation tomorrow. We went over to the Children's Hospital today to find out where to go and what to do so we would be on time tomorrow. I think we are set and I will keep you updated.
I love playing with Nana and eating in her bed.

We have had a great time and are ready for our evaluation tomorrow. We went over to the Children's Hospital today to find out where to go and what to do so we would be on time tomorrow. I think we are set and I will keep you updated.
I love playing with Nana and eating in her bed.
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