Miracles: Because they do happen...
Monday, August 08, 2011
First Day of Second Grade
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Summer 2011..
Brodie has been doing a few respites with ARC and doing better each time he goes. His behavior seems to be doing better in the last 6 months so that is awesome in itself because it is not the most pleasant feeling to get the hell beat out of you! lol
We will be at the same school this year and hoping for a great year... Please be in prayer for Brodie as he starts this year! I have big dream of progression this year and I would really appreciate you prayer during this year. Specifically praying for reading skills to advance, understanding of containing his behavior and acting out with aggression, and his walking! Please join me daily in this walk!!!
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
OnE ProuD MaMa
He even got a WOW sticker at school today for writing his name with minimal assistance.
We have just recently held his IEP for next year and I am so thrilled and excited about his new goals that we will be working toward!
Brodie is so blessed to have such an awesome teacher that truly cares about each one of her kids and the progress they make. She is always focusing on how she can make it better or what ways will help them learn, comprehend, and apply every single concept and goal.
What a great way to end the day.... mama and daddy getting a bedtime story read to them from their best friend, BRODIE MOSS!!!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
January 2011

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
What A Break....
We had an appointment with the neurosurgeon who really irritated me if you can imagine that??? Then Brodie went off his rocker we ended up at Dr's Office to get meds changed and got an welcome surprise from sitting in the waiting room (STOMACH VIRUS)... Brodie and I then gave it to Chris then We were all better then poor Bro got a bad cold... My Grandmother, Jo, passed away! Sooooooo we are ready for a WONDERFUL WEEK OFF HOPEFULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Santa was so good to us and we will update with pics soon!!
Hope all of you have had a great Christmas Holidays
Saturday, December 18, 2010
For those of you who don't know I joined weight watchers in 2008... I lost 82 pounds. I have been a weight watcher leader for a year and a half. YES... I have kept my weight off BUT I yoyo back and forth and can't seem to just keep it steady!!! SOoooooooooooo I am thinking it is exercise that needs to be added on a regular basis but that is my problem! I love to exercise when I do it and when I don't feel like I have a thousand things pressing on me to be completed! Soooo of course I am just venting because isn't this what a blog is far anyway and I really don't feel like many people read this anyway! HA
Just curious how do you fit in husband, kids, 1 job, 2 job, therapy for your child, church, and oh yeah all of your house responsibilities?????
Thursday, November 25, 2010

May your stuffing be tasty.
May your turkey be plump.
May your potatoes 'n gravy
Have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious.
May your pies take the prize and May your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off of your thighs!!!
Saturday, October 09, 2010
These are just a few picks from the last couple of months that I like to look at periodically to remind myself of when we were asked so many times early on "if we don't turn the vent off what kind of life are you or this child going to have?" Well I guess we have our share of issues and as some people call it "situations" but overall I think we do pretty well! I think our "QUALITY OF LIFE" is absolutely WONDERFUL!!!
Although this has not been his greatest week at school. He is doing so good. He was able to advance to the next story in reading and has done well with it despite us not being able to work that much at home with him this week. Is it just me or is October soooooo busy? We have had something every night this week. Which is probably the reason he has not had a great week at school. He does not do well if he is not in the bed by 6!
We (CHRIS) were able to get his BIRTHDAY PRESENT put together! He has been riding his new red 4 wheeler all day and loving it! I will have to post some pics in next couple of days. He has had a great Saturday playing outside. we have been riding the four wheeler, golf cart, been in the hot tub, jumped on emalee's trampoline, and went to eat at sake. He loves a Rocky II roll!!! (How weird is that?)
We hope all of you have a great week and I would like to wish Kristen a happy Birthday on Monday, Emalee a happy Birthday on Wednesday and Bro a Happy Birthday on Friday!!!
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Saturday, October 02, 2010
He started BIG SCHOOL!!!!! He is at Thames Elementary in the Hattiesburg Public School District and he is in a classroom of 8 with a wonderful teacher. It has been an adjustment (to put it mildly) but we are getting used to things now! Mom is a teacher at this school with Bro so that helps SOMETIMES! We have now been dropped to once a week therapy. He is walking in his walker all over the school and it is a big school... He is keeping up with his peers pretty well... you know he only has 2 speeds 100 or 0! He is beginning to learn some sight words at school and we have homework of reading our sight words everynight!!!
We have all come so far but yet we ALL have so far to go! Thanking GOD for every blessing and asking for continued prayers from each of you!!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Funny Things Brodie is Saying....
When I ask him a question he say says " I Remember" but he has no clue what that actually means... so cute!
I have a habit of asking a question and when he answers I will say ? IT IS! For instance the other day I said which car would you like to go in today and he said BUG CAR IT IS! at first I was thinking now why would he say that but then I started thinking and realized I say that all the time!
OH MY GA! He is saying Oh My Gosh! We are trying to convert to OH MY STARS! He even has it down pat he will put his hand over his mouth and laugh!!!
He is always saying something or doing something to crack us up... but mainly he really shows us are habits....Things that we do that we do not even realize... so cool!!!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
I want to have a birthday party at school today!
Today is Monday! (Which he thinks everyday is Monday)
I can do it myself!
You are wel wel! (You are welcome)
I remember!
I want to go to Bible School! (This is at Bailey's Church)
Tonight he was saying his ABC's and he says XYZ AMEN! lays down and goes to sleep!
Some funny things he is doing at home!
He is going and getting whatever he wants out of the refrigerator and then going to get a spoon out of the drawer and either getting on the floor or the table and eating it all by himself!
He is doing his own thing. He says I will go out the back door and see what is going on and then he does the side door and the front door! He just goes about his own business and plays and is doing so well.
The most awesome thing he did today was walk from one side of the pool to the other twice all by himself! We were so excited!!!