Miracles: Because they do happen...

Thursday, October 05, 2006



GrandMac just had Marketta call and let us know that MeMe's surgery started at 10 after 10:00am and everything is going well. I am asking everyone to please keep MeMe and GrandMac in your prayers today as the doctors operate!

At 1:30 MeMe was doing fine and everything was going as expected! Keep praying!

At 2:45 about 1 hour left of operating. Keep praying!!!

At 3:45 she was finishing the last part of her surgery and it would be around 20 minutes and then she would be in recovery! Glory be to God!

5:00 she is in recovery!

6:00 she is in a room!

My parents visited MeMe tonight and said she was doing good she just wanted to rest to let some of the pain wear off. Thanks for all of your prayers!!!


They made MeMe sit up in the chair two times today and she is still in a great deal of pain but doing well. I went to see her tonight and she looks great!!! We did not stay long we just wanted to see that she was doing well because we knew it had been a long day for all involved!

MeMe had the hiccups and they hurt her really bad but she is doing okay.

Daddy and Uncle Zach went to visit with MeMe and she was feeling okay but did not have a good night.

MeMe does not feel good at all today. My mom went to see her today and MeMe was really hurting so please remember her in your prayers.

We went to visit MeMe tonight and she is doing so much better. My mom went this morning and she was so proud to see MeMe doing better. We went tonight but I didn't really get to see MeMe. Daddy, Aunt Ashley, and Uncle Zach went to visit and me and mom stayed in the lobby but she was doing really well.

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