Miracles: Because they do happen...
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
We (Faith Community Church) had our FALL FESTIVAL on Saturday Night at my house. I had the best time. I got to crawl around everyone in the back yard, ride in my wagon, play Go Fish, ride on the hay ride, Trick or Treat, and eat.
WoW!!! GUESS WHAT? I GAINED 2 POUNDS! I now weigh 25 pounds 8 oz. Goooo Meee! I had to go see Dr. Tibbs today for my checkup and to get my flu shot. I was playing around before the doctor came in and bumped my head. Dr. Tibbs came in and had to put ice on my head. The flu shot hurt a little bit but not much.I got a cool looking Band-Aid! I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
This article is featured in the Hattiesburg American today. It pertains to the donation from Lower Pearl River Association. Just thought a few a you missed the paper! To read the article click on the Children's Center Article (the title)!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
I went to Bailey's last game of the 2006 Soccer Season. I had a blast. It was a little bit chilly but it felt really good. I have created Bailey a video of her Soccer Season. I had the best time going and watching Bailey. She has really gotten good at Soccer. Gooo Bailey!!!

Soccer Season 2006

Soccer Season 2006
Today I went to a Press Conference at the Children's Center. I may even be on WDAM tonight and the Hattiesburg American tomorrow. WHO KNOWS!!! The Lower Pearl River Valley Association gave a generous gift to The Children's Center for Communication and Development (my school)! My family and I truly thank all of the Children’s Center staff for giving Brodie the beginning foundation he needs to succeed in life and with that also a BIG Thank you to the Lower Pearl River Valley Association for this generous donation to help with Brodie’s needs as well as the other students at the Children’s Center for Communication and Development. Be sure to watch and see if you see me on TV!!!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
I went to the fair. OMG it was great!!!I loved stolling around looking at all the people and lights. There was so much fun stuff to do. It was awesome. It started raining so we had to leave sooner than I expected but I had the best time. Me, Somer, and Mom had the best time. We ate, talked to people, ate, played games, ate, rode some rides, ate, and that was about it. Oh yeah and we saw the World's Smallest Lady! She was a real person ~ 29 inches ~ 33 years old ~ size 2 shoe! WoW! Oh we also saw a lady that had a snake body! Weird!!!

Friday, October 20, 2006
Well now that I am three I thought it was time to start acting like a big boy. Today me and my mom were outside trying to put together a so called Fall Scene for our yard. Well as it turns out I wasn't much help! I really wanted to crawl all over the place. It was so much fun!!! In the middle of me having such a great time I fell down. My first accident that required Band-Aids. My mom says I was such a big boy getting it cleaned. I had to use peroxide, then ointment and then it was Band-Aid time. What fun it is to be 3!!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Brodie is much better!!! He has not had any trouble in 24 + hours. He has held down all of his food today and even a pediasure. We went to his doctor and weighed on her scales and he was the same as he has been ~ 23 pounds 13 ounces so praise God!!! He was 33 1/2 inches long.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I know all of you are probably wondering why I have not blogged lately. Well I have been sick. I got sick on my birthday. We really don't know what is wrong. At first we thought a stomach virus but after the 3rd day not so sure. WHO KNOWS!!! Anyway my Doctor was off today so I am going to see her first thing in the morning. I will be sure to report back. Please be in prayer for me!!!
Sunday, October 15, 2006

3 Years Old!!! What I like to do... I like to do whatever it is I want to do! I am so stubborn but my parents think it is adorable. I get in time out alot lately and I really do not like it!!! I like to bite, pinch, pull hair, and stick my tongue out and blow! I am currently walking in my walker and doing great. I am starting to steer it. I am working on canes and walking with one hand held. I am pulling up on things now but not really cruising furniture yet! My favorite foods are bacon, grapes, rice and gravy, Reeses! My favorite restaurants are anything to do with a Japenese Steakhouse, Chinese, or Mexican! Weird I know! I am really into horses right now and I like to play with my barn. Don't worry I still like the "MONKEY"! I love to be outside doing anything. I also love to be on the GO! GO! GO! If someone opens a door I will crawl out to my bus and pull up on the door because it is time to GO somewhere~anywhere! I love to ride on the golf cart! Which I do not have one I just use all my grandparents. Maybe one day!!! I am attending USM's Children's Center for Communication and Development and loving it. I am a people person and get everyone's attention that I come in contact. My favorite movies are Baby Moves and God Made Animals. I know how to put my hands when I am praying. I am beginning to listen to stories as they are being read while looking at the pictures without going crazy to turn all the pages. I am trying to eat with a spoon but do not really care for my food to be on a plate. I think it should be on the table so I can play with the plate! I know there is a ton of things that I am doing but I really can't think of everything right now so just know that I am the BEST little boy around!
Brodie's Party was a huge success. We had hot dogs, sausage dogs, chips, dips, candy, cake, and candy apples. Almost everyone I know was at the party and I had so many gifts. I loved everything I got. We played on the swing set, had a hayride, played on toys, kickball, horseshoes, and much more. I think everyone had a great time but better yet I know that I had the best time. All I did was crawl around and do what I wanted to do! Yippee!!!
Thanks to everyone who came to my party and for all my gifts. I love them!
Be sure to watch the video of my party!

Happy 3rd Birthday
Thanks to everyone who came to my party and for all my gifts. I love them!
Be sure to watch the video of my party!

Happy 3rd Birthday
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Tuesday was such a big day. I had my graduation. I stopped by Graham's football practice and he made a touchdown! Goooo Graham!!!!I went to Bailey's soccer game. SHE SCORED A GOAL!!! Oh my gosh it was so exciting! I was so proud of her and everybody else too by the way they were screaming at her. My friend, Landra was on the other team (Mrs. Shonna's little girl) and so we got to see Mrs. Shonna. Landra had made me a cupcake and it was so good! My new cousin, Caleb, was born. He weighed 8 pounds 8 oz. He is so beautiful. He is having a few problems with his lungs so please remember him in your prayers. He is doing so much better already but you know I just don't want him to have any problems so keep praying.
This weekend was full of things to do. I went to the soccer game, out to eat with Granna and Papa, to Church and to a picnic with Nana and Papa! I hope all of you had as much fun as I did!!!
Soccer Game watching Bailey

Picnic with Nana and Papa's church at Lake Ross Barnett in Mize! It was so nice. We saw ducks, played with rocks, walked everywhere, and played on the swingset.

Soccer Game watching Bailey

Picnic with Nana and Papa's church at Lake Ross Barnett in Mize! It was so nice. We saw ducks, played with rocks, walked everywhere, and played on the swingset.

Saturday, October 07, 2006
We went to the pumpkin patch today in Collins at Mitchell Farms. We had a blast. I went with mom, Mrs. Michelle,Rustin, and Katye. When we first started out we relized the Katye had gum in her hair. We played in corn, took tons of pictures, looked at sunflowers, went on a maze, saw animals, went on a hayride, and even picked a pumpkin! We also met up with Mrs. Cindy, Andrew, and Kaitlyn. I think everyone had a blast. There were so many good pictures that I wanted to share all of them so we made a video.

Pumpkin Patch 2006

Pumpkin Patch 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
GrandMac just had Marketta call and let us know that MeMe's surgery started at 10 after 10:00am and everything is going well. I am asking everyone to please keep MeMe and GrandMac in your prayers today as the doctors operate!
At 1:30 MeMe was doing fine and everything was going as expected! Keep praying!
At 2:45 about 1 hour left of operating. Keep praying!!!
At 3:45 she was finishing the last part of her surgery and it would be around 20 minutes and then she would be in recovery! Glory be to God!
5:00 she is in recovery!
6:00 she is in a room!
My parents visited MeMe tonight and said she was doing good she just wanted to rest to let some of the pain wear off. Thanks for all of your prayers!!!
They made MeMe sit up in the chair two times today and she is still in a great deal of pain but doing well. I went to see her tonight and she looks great!!! We did not stay long we just wanted to see that she was doing well because we knew it had been a long day for all involved!
MeMe had the hiccups and they hurt her really bad but she is doing okay.
Daddy and Uncle Zach went to visit with MeMe and she was feeling okay but did not have a good night.
MeMe does not feel good at all today. My mom went to see her today and MeMe was really hurting so please remember her in your prayers.
We went to visit MeMe tonight and she is doing so much better. My mom went this morning and she was so proud to see MeMe doing better. We went tonight but I didn't really get to see MeMe. Daddy, Aunt Ashley, and Uncle Zach went to visit and me and mom stayed in the lobby but she was doing really well.
GrandMac just had Marketta call and let us know that MeMe's surgery started at 10 after 10:00am and everything is going well. I am asking everyone to please keep MeMe and GrandMac in your prayers today as the doctors operate!
At 1:30 MeMe was doing fine and everything was going as expected! Keep praying!
At 2:45 about 1 hour left of operating. Keep praying!!!
At 3:45 she was finishing the last part of her surgery and it would be around 20 minutes and then she would be in recovery! Glory be to God!
5:00 she is in recovery!
6:00 she is in a room!
My parents visited MeMe tonight and said she was doing good she just wanted to rest to let some of the pain wear off. Thanks for all of your prayers!!!
They made MeMe sit up in the chair two times today and she is still in a great deal of pain but doing well. I went to see her tonight and she looks great!!! We did not stay long we just wanted to see that she was doing well because we knew it had been a long day for all involved!
MeMe had the hiccups and they hurt her really bad but she is doing okay.
Daddy and Uncle Zach went to visit with MeMe and she was feeling okay but did not have a good night.
MeMe does not feel good at all today. My mom went to see her today and MeMe was really hurting so please remember her in your prayers.
We went to visit MeMe tonight and she is doing so much better. My mom went this morning and she was so proud to see MeMe doing better. We went tonight but I didn't really get to see MeMe. Daddy, Aunt Ashley, and Uncle Zach went to visit and me and mom stayed in the lobby but she was doing really well.
Monday, October 02, 2006
These are the pictures of my new classroom that I promised to post. It is so great! Look how big. I have so much room to play, sing, color, paint, dance, and listen to stories.

I did not go to school today because my mom had a doctor's appointment. I stayed with Aunt Kathy and I had the best time. I love going up and down her steps. What fun!

I did not go to school today because my mom had a doctor's appointment. I stayed with Aunt Kathy and I had the best time. I love going up and down her steps. What fun!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
As usual mom forgot the camera. For some reason that is happening more and more like she really has anything to worry about except for snapping pictures of me! Well me, mom, and Nana went to Alexander's Furniture Store in Bay Springs to look for some things for Nana's house. We saw lots of pretty things and I really wanted to get into it. We went to Pizza Hut and I used my spoon the entire time. I only dropped 3 bites to begin with and the rest is in my tum tum! Gooo Meee! This is something we work on all the time. I really do not understand why I have to use a spoon! It is pointless to me. I do just fine picking things up off the table. Later that afternoon I played with Papa and showed him how I can walk on my canes like a big boy. You know only big boys get to walk like me! Saturday night we rode over to Mt. Olive to visit with MeMaw Jo, Aunt Ann, Christopher, Uncle Tom, Aunt Patrice, Aunt Joyce, Brittany, Bailey, and Brooke! We had a good time visiting with all of the Crawford's but especially climbing up and down all of Jo's stairs. WoW it was fun!!!
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