Well last night was not as successful as I had hoped! We ended up taking shifts and being in the recliner just where we are still at this point. He is not wanting to wake up. We were able to give him some tylenol a few minutes ago and also to get a couple bites of cinnamon rolls down him. He did drink a little but still just really irritable. Ever so often he will pick up his head and say something like Ride golf cart and then put it back down. We were able to get the eye ointment in but not correctly because he went bananas.... Anyway we will keep you updated as to where we are through the week. Hope everyone has a great week!!
Miracles: Because they do happen...
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Surgery Day
We went in the hospital this morning around 6 and they did all of his checks and then put us in a room to wait. If you know Brodie you don't just plan to do 1 thing for several minutes you better have lots to occupy his time. So MeMe pushed me around in the stroller while they were getting my paperwork done. I liked playing in the bed for a couple of minutes then Nana and Papa read books to me and pushed and pulled me up and down the hall in the wheelchair and then the wagon.
The surgery started at 8:30 and ended around 10:45 or so. They said that he would be really sore and swollen and to just take it easy for the next couple of days and guess what we are already hearing "I ride golf cart!"He can't even open his eyes all the way but he still wants to go ride.IMAGINE!!! I have some pictures and will get them downloaded as soon as I can but for now we are safe at home and doing well. I feel the pain medication will start to wear off in a couple of hours so we might be in trouble then but hoping we are going to sail right on through all of it. Thanks so much for your prayers!
We would like to thank everyone for all your prayers. We really appreciate all that everyone does on our behalf. I would also like to extend a special thank you to Bro. Joe, MeMe, Nana and Papa for being at my surgery today and being so loving to all of us. Thanks for all that you do!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The doctor called and said that we are to be there at 6 and the surgery would be at 8. I will keep you updated as much and as often as I can. Thanks for all your prayers we really appreciate it.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Please remember Brodie in your prayers this week.We are going in Wednesday for another eye surgery. I must say the eye surgery we had last time was one of the worst surgeries we have had to go through but we have talked to the doctor and hopefully a few of the things will be taken care of. We are not sure what time the surgery will be yet. It will be outpatient so we should be home by Wednesday Night. IT will be more intensive than last time because he will be doing more muscles this time. One of the muscles that was done last time was a little over corrected so he will fix that and also work on the muscles under the eyes. So several different muscles compared to last time. Anyway just keep him in your prayers. I promise that I will try my best to keep you guys updated on his progress as each day goes.
Kate's Birthday Party
Kate turned 4!!! She is such a big girl. Our camera went out but we had a blast at the party. Kate actually got to go to Disney World last week so we have a picture of her getting beautiful but don't have any of the party. She had a big jumping thing and I fell out and now have the scrapes above my eye but I am a tough guy ~cried for a couple of minutes and now don't even know it is there.
Soccer Time Again
Tuesday night we went to the soccer field~ We had Rustin playing, Kate playing, Bailey playing and Bailey playing. It was alot of fun but it got really cold and we had to go because we didn't want to get sick. Well didn't want to get me sick my parents have been sick for a month.... We didn't get pictures with everyone just papa and kate.
This is a picture Mrs. Sarah took at school of me having a great time. Brodie's speech has improved so much. He is now saying everything and even saying sentences... some of his sentences are I ride golf cart. I go bed. Have good day. Have good night. I ride horse. I go church. I take bathtub. He even says Happy Birthday to people now. It is really cool and he is so funny will all his new language and we are loving it!!!
Saturday Fun
Saturday filled with fun. I went with my mom to a Women's Luncheon because they wanted to see me~my mom was doing a testimony of us and they wanted to see just who it was they had all been praying for~ ME~ after all of the girly stuff Kelby, Koby, Skylar, and Kristy came to visit us and we played outside all day. We ran the batteries out of my golf cart and tractor. We had tons of races and lots of fun! Can't wait until they come back to play!!!
Brodie swimming in February
I tell Brodie all the time that he is the only little boy that gets to go swimming in February. It was so cold outside and he is inside at therapy in a pool~ so maybe it is not all that bad. He is doing so good. He can now walk (not so pretty) but CAN~ with me holding on to one hand held.We are thrilled with all his progress.
Brodie was in the Rodeo the Dixie National Rodeo. They have a special needs show during the rodeo and Mrs. Rochelle(hippotherapist) helped us with entering him in the special needs horse show. It was FUN!!! He was in 3 competitions (they actually judged them) and he placed in all 3! I thought that was great. In the contest competition he placed 6th. In one of the walking competitions he placed 3rd and the other he placed 5th. Good Job Brodie!
This is me getting ready to go for the costume contest! I was number 413~
Getting ready to walk in the arena!
Walking around the arena
I won a metal~ I placed 6th!
The 2nd competition~I placed 3rd~
MeMe,Nana, Papa, Uncle Gary and Aunt Kathy all came up to see me win all my metals! Thanks guys for being so supportive!
This is the 3rd competition~ I won 5th
What a day. We had a great time and we are ready for next year.
WoW! It snowed in South Mississippi! It was beautiful.
Our house, yard, and playground fully decorated by snow!
The family in the snow!Brodie was fine in the snow until his hands got cold and he started screaming. We came inside to try to warm him up but it took like an hour to get him to stop whining! Snow is not for us!!!
The only problem with snow is that the golf cart will not go in the snow. By January 19 Brodie is completely obsessed with the golf cart. He loves the thing and constantly says ride golf cart!

This is Emalee loving the snow. Well she is not sure about it really but it is her first snow so you have to have pictures! Isn't she growing!
2 days later we are still trying to ride our golf cart!It would go a little better now that things are trying to melt.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Christmas after Santa
We were at Nana and Papa's early for a Christmas Breakfast. We have a house full there are now 7 grandkids. WOW!!! They are all getting so big. Kristen and Josie are teenagers or just about so you know it is GiRL POWER!!!Graham and Wyatt are not far behind getting so big getting Wii's and dirt bikes. Brodie, Weston, and Kate still small but have a big bite.
Brodie on his piano at Nana's! Did you notice that it is just the right height~ he has to stand to play it!!!
Brodie and Kate playing on the golf cart. Weston was cold and didn't feel good but I will catch up with him next time I bring it to Nana and Papa's!
After Breakfast, we are off to lunch at the Moss'.
Me, Bailey, Caleb, and Caymon having a blast but not sur why everyone has to ride with me!
Then guess what? we are off to dinner at the Crawford's!!!
Me, Jo and Gan Gan
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