Miracles: Because they do happen...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sick Little Boy

WELL~Thursday morning Brodie did not want to wake up and while I was trying to wake him felt his back and he was burning up, took his temp and of course 102.5 under the arm, gave tylenol, of course he throws it up~ waited a few minutes try it again and throws it up!!! Called Mrs. JoAnn and she said Come on in got there and they sent us to hospital for head scans, of course~they couldn't tell in Laurel because they didn't have anything to compare to so of course~ sent us to Jackson to neurosurgeon. WHAT A DAY!!! They don't think it is shunt related but they do think he is very much dehydrated and that it is viral! GREAT!!!

Friday went back to Dr. Tibbs. CBC great got a urine sample and it showed he was very dehydrated with nausea. SOooooo.... IT IS VIRAL~WAIT~! He continued to have a fever until Monday Morning.

I did go on to New York on Saturday morning as scheduled and Chris took great care of Brodie and they did just fine!!!!

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