Miracles: Because they do happen...

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Brodie has just come so far in the last couple of months! We are still not where we want to be but we are all working so hard. Brodie is still going to therapy 4 days a week. We try to leave one day open for doctor visits. He is going to school 3 days in the morning, seeing TJ 2x a week, aquatics one afternoon, and hippo one afternoon. SOooooo.... Need I say more about time! We have none!
His speech has just progressed so much in the last couple of weeks. Saying anything you say and lots more.Nana tells my mom she is about to be in trouble because someone is about to start repeating everything she says....
His physical is getting so much stronger. We are still not seeing much progress with the way his foot is without braces. Braces have been cut down and he is doing much better in the last couple of weeks coping without the taller brace.
Went to neurologist a couple weeks ago and of course not so excited that we went through with rhizotomy but OH WELL! WHO CARES!!! Maybe when some of these doctors start caring about what is going on or maybe if they had a child that was hurting all the time, or knocked out on baclofen all the time, or maybe if they had to take their child to therapy 4 days a week instead of playing in the playland of McDonald's like everybody else then maybe they might go out on a limb for their child too!!!
Went to the opthamologist a week or so ago and guess what? SURGERY!!! That was what was recommended. Basically the surgery will be pretty much like last time except it will be the muscle under the eye to help with the vertical alignment vs. the side of the eye with the strabismus! Not sure when this will take place~ Just could not make a decision right there on the spot. Was not really expecting it and BOOM. I just know I need to think and pray! I want to do the best thing for him and to help him but another surgery....

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