Miracles: Because they do happen...
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Well this is the day everyone calls Black Friday because of all the shopping! My mom is pretty much finished shopping so we didn't have to go!!!! YEAH!!! She had to go ahead and finish shopping because of her upcoming surgery! So Friday~Nana came to help us put up our Christmas decorations. Our tree is great! I love all the ornaments and it is so pretty when it is lit! We got these really cool lighted deer for outside that are so pretty at night!
We went to GrandMac and MeMe's for Thanksgiving for lunch. The food was great but I didn't get any because I was too busy. You know me!!! No time to eat when there are people to see and things to do! We also celebrated MeMe's birthday!

Thursday Night we went to Nana and Papa's! We went for a walk in my new stroller, to eat leftovers and to help decorate her Christmas tree. Lots of fun!!!

Thursday Night we went to Nana and Papa's! We went for a walk in my new stroller, to eat leftovers and to help decorate her Christmas tree. Lots of fun!!!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
I had a great day at school today. I got to walk on Turkey feet and then dance the "Turkey Jig"!!! I painted a turkey, played with play doh, went on a wagon ride, and also did motions to songs. I am doing so good.
OH YEAH! First time for Mrs. Sarah to put me in TIME OUT was today!!! I think it may have broken her heart***I would not listen to what Mrs. Sarah was telling me to do while turning over my table! Sorry Mrs. Sarah!!!

OH YEAH! First time for Mrs. Sarah to put me in TIME OUT was today!!! I think it may have broken her heart***I would not listen to what Mrs. Sarah was telling me to do while turning over my table! Sorry Mrs. Sarah!!!

Friday, November 17, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Hi Everyone!
The Children's Center for Communication and Development (Brodie's school) has a great opportunity to raise some much needed funds. The USM Symphony Orchestra is allowing us to take part in their Holiday Choral Spectacular on December 5th. We have tickets for sale, and we get all the proceeds from the tickets that we sale. These make a great gift or a great add on if you are season ticket holders for the Symphony. If you would like tickets, please call me or email me or call the center 601-266-5222.
The program begins at 7:30 at Main Street Baptist Church in Hattiesburg across from Wesley Hospital. It will last approximately 1 hour and is kid friendly. The tickets are $16.00 and all tickets are general admission. Let me know if you want a tickect! Hope to see you there!!!
The Children's Center for Communication and Development (Brodie's school) has a great opportunity to raise some much needed funds. The USM Symphony Orchestra is allowing us to take part in their Holiday Choral Spectacular on December 5th. We have tickets for sale, and we get all the proceeds from the tickets that we sale. These make a great gift or a great add on if you are season ticket holders for the Symphony. If you would like tickets, please call me or email me or call the center 601-266-5222.
The program begins at 7:30 at Main Street Baptist Church in Hattiesburg across from Wesley Hospital. It will last approximately 1 hour and is kid friendly. The tickets are $16.00 and all tickets are general admission. Let me know if you want a tickect! Hope to see you there!!!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Yes, we are still alive! I know it has been forever since we have posted. We have been so busy and tired! Well lets rephrase that "MoM has been so tired!"What's New? I took some Christmas pictures. I would give you the link to look at them but then your Christmas cards would not be a surprise! Oh Well I may do it anyway it will still be a little different. Oh yeah and I got a new ride! It is yellow with a little red. My old walker was too small so I upgraded. I love it!! It just glides anywhere I want to go. Sometimes I will just go in circles which my parents think is so so so funny.Well that is about all I have been to ever grandparents house over the last few days and got so much attention! You know you are loved when you have as many grandparents as me!!!
The website for my new pictures should be hyperlinked with the title if anyone would like to look at them! It is under B Moss!!
Please be in prayer for Mamaw Crocker! She was hospitalized last week but home now. She had a mini stroke! Today is her birthday and so tonight we are going to have her a small surprise party! Love you Mamaw Crocker!!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I had a big weekend! I went to visit MeMe and GrandMac. I got to play on their stairs and I even got really mad when my mom made me quit. I hit my mom in the face twice! I know not a good boy! BUT I was really mad. I stayed at Aunt Stephanie's on Friday and had a great time. On Saturday we went to the Main Street Festival in Laurel and I rode the ponies! I loved them! It was so much fun. My horse had a cold. He kept sneezing. Saturday afternoon I went to Graham's 6th Birthday Party and it was so much fun. They had two of those outdoor bounce things. One of them had a slide and I loved it. I went to see Granna and Papa later on and had the best time playing with Anna. Sunday was church and I was supposed to take family pictures but I was sooooo tired from the weekend that I needed a nap. After my nap I went over to Graham and Kate's and played on the jumping thing some more. I showed my daddy how to do it. We went over to Nana and Papa's for some home cooked food!!!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
I had my first dentist appointment. It was in Hattiesburg at the Pediatric Denistry with Dr. Drew Middleton! He was so nice. He brushed my teeth and I even got to bite him. Guess What? He did not even get on to me~ He wanted me to bite him! Go figure! I am always getting in trouble with my parents about this but oh well! Anyway I got a toy after I finished. I got a football. My mom forgot her camera so oh well we have a few cards for the scrapbook! Oh Yeah to the point~ my teeth and gums are GREAT!!!
I had a Fall Festival at my house this past weekend and it was loads of fun! Monday we had a school carnival. I had a blast! I played Go Fish, Ring around the Pumpkins, had great snacks, and got my face painted. Monday night I went trick or treating at Mamaw Crockers' and she gave me some really good candy. I got Reeses' and Kit Kats! YUM YUM!!! Tuesday Night I went Trick or Treating in Taylorsville. It was so much fun. My parents pulled me in the wagon and I loved getting all that candy. When the people would open the door I would say "BOO"! So much fun. This video is of all my Trick or Treating!!!

Halloween 2006

Halloween 2006
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