I went to the eye doctor and to therapy today. We had such a busy day. The eye doctor says that I should patch my right eye and put drops in for 4 weeks and to come back on September 1. He also said that my surgery would probably be scheduled for September 6. I went to therapy with Mrs. Kim today and I was actually pretty good considering how I normally am. Usually my mama can hear me screaming down the hall for the whole hour. Anyway I did really good. I wanted to practice going up and down the stairs but Mrs. Kim wanted me to practice on standing up, getting my balance while standing, and walking on my crutches.GUESS WHO WON!!!
I am going to stand up!
This is me standing up all by myself!!! For like 20 seconds!!!Gooo Meee!
This is me walking on my crutches!
Mrs. Kim likes to get big hugs whenever I finally finish!
Brodie, Jonas & I are sooooo proud of you for standing and using your crutches! Way to go!!! Keep up the good work. Let us know about your eye surgery so we can pray for you. Love, Jonas & Ms. Casey
Okay...had another thought. When I saw you back in Feb you were just crawling and look how much progress you have made in 5 months. Wow Brodie you are a tough boy! You make us all so proud! Kudos goes out to your mom & dad too, for pushing you and taking you to therapy!!
Chris, Christie, and Brodie (the moss clan)!Welcome to the Moss family blog. We were married in July of 2002. We have a precious baby boy named Brodie who was 1 lb and 14 ozs and was born on October 15, 2003! I thought this blog would be a great way for family and friends to see all of Brodie's progress. We are so proud of all his accomplishments! We will use this blog to document our family journey! We would love you to make comments~ it motivates us to keep updating the blog. May God Bless You!!!
Brodie, Jonas & I are sooooo proud of you for standing and using your crutches! Way to go!!! Keep up the good work. Let us know about your eye surgery so we can pray for you.
Love, Jonas & Ms. Casey
Okay...had another thought. When I saw you back in Feb you were just crawling and look how much progress you have made in 5 months. Wow Brodie you are a tough boy! You make us all so proud! Kudos goes out to your mom & dad too, for pushing you and taking you to therapy!!
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