We are in the process of trying to figure out if Brodie is a candidate for selective dorsal rhizotomy. It is a surgery where they will go into his lower back and find which nerve roots are causing the spasticity (cerebral palsy) and clip these nerves. He will have 6 days in the hospital in St. Louis followed by intensive physical therapy (5 times a week) for 6months plus. It is really exciting but also very scary. Not sure but everything seems to be working out. Just still praying about everything while the paperwork, x-rays, MRI's, and videos are being processed. We just want to be able to give Brodie every opportunity to everything he could possibly dream of in his lifetime. Just asking for lots and lots of prayers while we are going through this process.
1 comment:
I am excited about this if it will surely help Brodie out! Keep us posted of the results and when the surgery will be. Did you guys have more choices of where the surgery could take place or is St Louis the best for this type?
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