Miracles: Because they do happen...

Friday, August 08, 2008

St.Louis Trip

We have just recently gotten back from St.Louis for our follow up. It was a long trip but a good visit. We orginally thought they would release us this visit but they didn't we will have to go back in a year but that is ok. The doctor says that he still thinks Brodie will walk independently it may take a year or two but just keep doing what we are doing!Practice on lots of walking walking walking, going up and down stairs and work on balance.

While we were visiting in St.Louis we decided to take a HIKE over to Forest Park to go to the St.Louis Zoo. Well 3 hours later we arrive at the zoo and are to tired to visit very much of the zoo but we did see most of it. I really liked the HORSES(Zebras) as well as the Giraffe's(I learned about these in school last year and have liked them ever since because they have dots dots dots)!

We also decided on the way back to stay at the Peabody in Memphis! If you have never done this it is something you should all do once~but after a one night stay and breakfast you want be able to afford anything but McDonald's for a week! I had to throw that in for Chris! It was really nice and Chris really enjoyed having breakfast in the room for his Birthday!

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