Miracles: Because they do happen...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
We are done with Intensive Therapy and back to our "regular" schedule if that is what you would call it! We had a great time doing the therapy and will do it again. What he gained mostly was strength, a little more balance, and endurance. He is standing by himself for about 5 seconds sometimes more sometimes less. Every now and then you can get him to take 2 or 3 steps. TUESDAY are the day of Choice for Brodie to do that~don't really know why!He did it again today after he got off the horse at therapy but he wouldn't do it for Mrs. Lindsey when we got to Hattiesburg! We are really excited about all of his strength and can't wait to see what is next with him!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Update on Last Couple of Days of Intensive
I will get pictures up in a couple of days but I did want to go ahead and tell everyone that Brodie took 2 steps on his own on tuesday.
Monday he stood by himself several times for a few seconds each time and then again on Tuesday and also again on Wednesday. So we will let you know how Today goes.
Monday he stood by himself several times for a few seconds each time and then again on Tuesday and also again on Wednesday. So we will let you know how Today goes.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Day 4 of Intensive
Today was a big day for Brodie! Mrs. Jennifer really worked his legs. He actually had a great time doing the weights. He was kicking his legs by himself with no weights attached. He kicked them really high up and to the side.YEAH!!!They worked outside again today but he was not able to use his arms at all! She said he did about 200 squats on his legs with no arms. That was alot for him! Well it wasn't day 3 he got dropped on his face it was day 4! He was standing and was trying to be silly so guess what????? He was asleep before we got to 59 yesterday! Well we will see how today goes.
Working with me moving my ankles and I can push and pull with them! YEAH!!!
Working with the weights
This is Brodie Kicking all by himself!Look how high he is doing it.
Climbing on the cage! Not a fan but am doing better than I did the first day!
Working on standing with no arms! Doing some squats!
AT THIS POINT BRODIE IS SAYING" Ready to Go Home" " Mama Big Hug"
Day 3 of Intensive Therapy
Day 3! Today I actually had a good time doing the weights and going outside to walk up and down the stairs.
I was able to use one hand today while walking up and down stairs. Ended up doing a little better today with placing my feet toward the end of the session by I just really never cared before where my feet were because I really didn't even know I had feet! Ha Ha!!!
I tried to be silly a couple times today IMAGINE!
Trying to take a break off of my legs and Mrs. Jennifer says "NO WAY"
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Day 2 of Intensive Therapy
Day 2 went much better. He did not scream the entire time. One cool thing that happened it that his arms and one leg was sand bagged so he could not move them so his brain had to connect with his legs and he actually USED THEM!!!! In his weights he was kicking around 10 pound weights and swinging the leg using around 1 pound weights. of course all of us know how silly and uncooperative Brodie can be at times. Pretty much if you tell him to stand he will fall if you tell him to look he will look away. Well He is almost to stand by himself but is just being really silly so on Day 3 he may get dropped on his face....
99 Balloons
My friend sent this to me and I wanted to share with everyone
so I thought this would be the best way!
Eliot was born with an undeveloped lung, a heart with a hole in it and DNA that placed faulty information into each and every cell of his body. However, that could not stop the living God from proclaiming Himself through this boy who never uttered a word.
In the midst of heartbreaking tragedy, the Mooney family found the presence of God strengthening, comforting, and guiding them. Their story reminds us to seek God and endure our struggles rather than blame Him for our hardships.
All this information came from Igniter Videos!! If you will click on the title 99 Balloons you can watch a video. The two parents are what I would call AMAZING!!!
This is a must see. Very touching. It shows just how great our God is when doctors say it is impossible. So get ready to cry.
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD. (Detu 6:4)
Monday, April 07, 2008
Well Brodie started an Intensive Therapy today. It will be in the afternoons and he will work for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week for 3 weeks! BASICALLY BOOT CAMP FOR 3 WEEKS!!!The therapy consists of using an Universal Exercise Unit along with Therasuit. It is a therapy that reeducates neural pathways by intense stimulation. It improves strength and endurance. It is used to supplement traditional therapy not to take the place of. We are Excited but Nervous!!! Well he went today and Mrs. Jennifer told him to lay down more times than Brodie actually says golf cart in a day~SO FUNNY!! He did well, he was extremely worked, and he cried alot...
This is the weight lifting class! (HaHa) but basically what it is!
Next THE SUIT...
TA DA! I am Up!
Working on Standing
Not Much Fun for Me
Last thing "THE SPIDER CAGE"
This is really cool but Brodie was real unsure of it!!! Let's just be honest he couldn't stand it WELL There is AlWays Tomorrow!!!
Easter was a blast! We did everything and hunted eggs many times.

My new favorite toy at school is the wagon. Who cares about Eggs when there is a wagon!

I rode the golf cart and pushed the tractor~

Emalee saying what is this crazy boy goin to do next!

Look who found an egg~ The funny thing is that we had lost at finding eggs with everyone at school and at church so we just knew maybe for 1 year we could beat Emalee but guess what Emalee WON! Go Emalee Girls Rule!!!

I got tons of summer stuff. Everything I need to go outside. I also got an Elephant Chair that is not pictured but is really cute.

I was in the Easter Program at Church. My aunt Somer was taking the pictures and lets just say she is not going to be a photographer. You can't see me very well but we were singing He's Got the Whole World in His Hands. I did a great job!!!

EASTER AT PaPa and Granna's
This is me with Aunt Kathy!

EASTER AT PaPa and Nana's

These are just a few of my pictures from Easter!!


I rode the golf cart and pushed the tractor~

Emalee saying what is this crazy boy goin to do next!

Look who found an egg~ The funny thing is that we had lost at finding eggs with everyone at school and at church so we just knew maybe for 1 year we could beat Emalee but guess what Emalee WON! Go Emalee Girls Rule!!!

I got tons of summer stuff. Everything I need to go outside. I also got an Elephant Chair that is not pictured but is really cute.

I was in the Easter Program at Church. My aunt Somer was taking the pictures and lets just say she is not going to be a photographer. You can't see me very well but we were singing He's Got the Whole World in His Hands. I did a great job!!!

EASTER AT PaPa and Granna's

EASTER AT PaPa and Nana's

These are just a few of my pictures from Easter!!
Sorry we haven't blogged lately. We are doing well! We actually lost our camera, had to get a new one and haven't got everything figured out and then I did but have not had much time.
We have pictures (and video)from March!
We have pictures (and video)from March!
Me and My Dad-eeeee playing on the bed! Brodie is in this really silly stage right now and everything has eeeeeeee on the end so we can drag it all out.
Playing at School
BTW~This is me in Time Out at School
I seem to be seeing this place frequently!!!
This is the TURKEY me and my daddy killed!!
One of the most awesome things that has happened this month is that Brodie has stood up all by himself! I have tried to download a video but it is not up so I will try later...
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