Miracles: Because they do happen...

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Yes Friday Morning we woke up with a 102.5 fever and did not feel good at all. Called the dr. go in and they send us straight to Jackson since we were just 2 weeks out from replacing the shunt. We went through the whole work up and end up in a room for observation. He is still have fever spikes. Still have no reason why???? Anyway they discharged us this morning with 100 fever and then took some tylenol and was on our way. Then this afternoon around 6 we had a spike again of 102.4 under arm so that means probably around 103 or more so where do we go from here????

1 comment:

Family of 5 said...

Poor little guy. He is such a trooper! He's always in our prayers. Love Cooper