Miracles: Because they do happen...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

we are great....

i know everyone is wondering where are they are what are they up to...lol!!! we have just gotten back from the beach!!! BUT it has been a full summer. We have had lots of fun going to Bible Schools, Camps, Pools, and the Beach!!!

Brodie is doing super... His aggression is decreasing and we are so THANKING GOD!!!That is probably the hardest thing we have ever had to deal with. Thanks so much for all of your prayers!

We have 2 more weeks off and then we will start school. He will be attending The Children's Center for his last year and will be with Mrs. Ladell again this year and we are super excited. A big year for us and then we will transition! WHERE?Who knows we will have to see which direction the Lord leads.. Hope everyone is having a great summer and we will keep you posted!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

long time...

well it has been awhile since i have updated. Brodie is doing well. seems to be doing good on seizure meds and handling it fine. behaviour seems to be doing much better. we are in bible school right now and he is having fun!!! We have two loose teeth. we are walking much better with one cane and today even acted like he liked the cane. we have finished the year at school along with extended school year and will start our last year at the Children's center this year! Very sad of course.. it is a fabulous school and i so wish Mississippi had a continuation of this place!!! we are swimming almost everyday which is very good exercise for his legs and helps mama relax too!!! so all in all doing good!!!